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Exploring themes of agency and justice, THE ANGEL MAKERS uses a folk-rock score to tell a story about how far women are willing to go to fight for their freedom.

THE ANGEL MAKERS is a musical based on a true story about a group of women who systematically poison their husbands as their only way out of abusive marriages.

As their husbands return to their Hungarian village after fighting in World War I, Suzannah, the midwife—and the only medical professional in town—begins treating the women for various injuries inflicted by their husbands.

When one woman appears at Suzannah’s home in desperate need of a solution, Suzannah reluctantly offers her a vial of poison. This small act spreads like wildfire throughout the women of the town, leading them to also seek Suzannah’s “remedy” for their marriages. With the help of the town coroner’s wife, Júlia, the group - known as “The Angel Makers”- murder the men of their town.

What at first appears as the only way to stop the atrocities inflicted by the men of the town, their ambition soon overtakes their morality. These events spiral out of control requiring sacrifices far greater than any of them could have anticipated.